Imagine you have a big treasure chest filled with different things like toys, candies, and books. Data mining is like using magic glasses to find hidden patterns in the treasure chest. With data mining, you can discover which toys are most popular, which candies are liked the most, or which books are read the most. This helps you understand what's inside the chest better and make better decisions about what to do with all the things inside.

Price data mining is similar to using the magic glasses we talked about earlier, but this time, instead of a treasure chest, we have a big box full of price tags from different stores and products, with price data mining, we use special tools and techniques to examine all those price tags and find patterns or insights.


Vault is a web application designed to address the issue of inconsistent pricing information in Nigeria. The goal was to create a user-friendly platform that offers reliable and up-to-date pricing data for products and services, ultimately empowering consumers and promoting price transparency.


Shoppers often struggle to find reliable pricing information for products and services. This lack of transparency leads to confusion, frustration, and sometimes, overpaying.

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A clean and organized dashboard that provides an overview of the most relevant price data, with visually appealing charts, graphs, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to highlight trends, price changes, and other important insights

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Created user profiles where users can save their favorite products, track their search history, and manage their preferences. and also personalize the experience by offering product recommendations based on user behavior and preferences.